Monday, December 20, 2010

The Tradition of Raising Livestock Continues at the Fair

Ever wonder who the students are that show the animals at the Fair? We'd like you to meet Sam M. She raised a market lamb for FFA and showed her horse at the Contra Costa County Fair this past summer. She even made it in to FFA master showmanship with her horse. She recently graduated from high school and plans to study agriculture business in fall of 2011. Read about her experiences with livestock, what she thinks about the Fair, and views on a wayward sea lion. Fair: How long have you been raising livestock? Sam: Last year was my first year raising livestock, but I’ve worked with them since I was 9 when I started 4-H. F: What is most challenging about raising animals and what is most rewarding? S: Challenging: was trying to gain weight on my lamb "Shotgun" Rewarding: really just showing and placing well in market. F: How about horses? How long have you been showing and/or riding? S: My family has always had horses and I started showing when I was about 8. Currently I've been barrel racing on both my horses which I also ride in gymkhana at fair and I am a member and Co-Caption of the Delta Darling Rodeo Drill team. F: What are your favorite events with horse? S: I love Showmanship and Barrels. F: How did you get involved with FFA? S: I transferred schools during my senior year to do FFA at Liberty as Freedom didn’t have it. F: Have you always lived in Knightsen? What did you think about the sea lion the other day? (read more about that story on the Contra Costa Times website.) S: Yes I have. I was pretty shocked that it made it here out of all places it could have gone! F: What is your favorite part about the Fair? S: EVERYTHING!! I love staying the night in 4-H camp and getting up to feed animals and being with all my friends it’s my favorite time of the year Pictured: Sam and her fair lamb "Shotgun" at the school farm Be sure to join us as “The Tradition Continues” in 2011 at the Contra Costa County Fair. Save the Date: June 2-5, 2011 and bring the whole family out to enjoy the great tradition of the Contra Costa County Fair! To learn more about what is happening all year long, visit us on our website at and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Lisa said...

Sam, it was fun learning about all that you do. Good luck in college!

Lori said...

Glad you enjoyed the fair and your showing experiences. Good luck in your future with agriculture!

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